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"iGS" is the G-STYLE channel for iPhone and iPod Touch applications.

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Release : Jul 11 , 09 / Spec : iPhone OS 3.0 above / Language : EN,JP / Price : 0.99$(115yen)


Do you know the card geme called "Golf"?


It has a very clear and simple rule. However, it requires a good balance of intelligence as well as luck.


We hope you'll give this game a try and hopefully enjoy it!


FLICK NINES is a card game based on a nine-card golf (CRAZY-NINES).


You play with two virtual players (COM), and if you are able to maintain the least amount of points, you wins.



FLICK NINESは9枚ゴルフ(Crazy Nines)と呼ばれるトランプゲームです。








- Game Preparation -


1. You as the player and the COM will be dealt with nine cards respectively.


2. Your cards will dealt face down in a three by three square


3. Once the cards has been laid, the player, including the COM can turn two cards face up.


4. While you can choose which card to turn, you are not allowed to peek before making a choice.


5. The remaining cards will be stacked in the center of the screen.


The topmost card of the stacked will be turned face up. This will be the first card of the game.


- Game Start -


Either A or B will be played counter-clockwise.


--- A --------------------------------------------------------------

The topmost card of the stack will be turned face up and taken.



After taking a card from the stack, you can either exchange it with one of your cards or throw it right away.


* The card you want to exchange can be either turned face up or down.


* Of course, you are not allowed to check the value of the card by turning them face up before the exchange.


--- B --------------------------------------------------------------

Taking a card from the thrown away sets.



When you take a card from the thrown away sets, you are not allowed to throw away the same card. You must throw away another card from your possession.


* The card you want to exchange can be either turned face up or down.


* Of course, you are not allowed to check the value of the card by turning them face up before the exchange.



- Game End -


The game ends when your card including the virtual players (COM) have been turned face up.



- Scoring -


* Once the game ends and all your nine cards have been opened, the total value of all the cards will be added and this becomes your points (score).


* The numerical value of the card becomes your points (score).


* When three cards of the same value line up horizontally or vertically, the point (score) becomes zero "0"


* Even "-2" and "0" when three cards line up, the point (score) becomes zero "0".



After playing six sets (six hall), the player with the lowest points (score) becomes the winner.








- プレイ準備 -


1.  プレイヤー、COMのそれぞれに、9枚のカードが配られます。これが自分の手札になります。


2.  配られたカードは裏状態のまま、3×3状に並びます。


3.  カードが並んだら、プレイヤー、COMは自分の手札から2枚を自由にオープンすることが出来ます。


4.  オープンするカードは自由に選ぶことが出来ますが、先にカードの数値を見ることは出来ません。


5. 残りのカードは画面中央あたりに山札として配置されます。





- プレイスタート -


反時計回り順に、次の A 若しくは B のいずれかのプレイを行います。


--- A --------------------------------------------------------------






* 交換するカードは、オープン状態、裏状態、のどちらのカードでも交換することが出来ます。


* もちろん、交換前に裏状態のカードの数値を見ることは出来ません。


--- B --------------------------------------------------------------






* 交換するカードは、オープン状態、裏状態、のどちらのカードでも交換することが出来ます。


* もちろん、交換前に裏状態のカードの数値を見ることは出来ません。



- プレイ終了 -




- 点数計算 -


* プレイ終了になったら、自分の手札のカードをすべて表向きにして、9枚のカードの数値全合計値を数えます。これが得点(失点)になります。


* カードの数値がそのまま得点になります。


* 縦、若しくは横の列に同じ数値のカードが3枚並んだ場合は、その3枚の得点は0点となります。


* "-2"や"0"でも3枚並ぶと0点になります。




iGS is the G-STYLEs web information channnel for Apple iPhone and iPod Touch application.
Copyright (C) 2009 G-STYLE. All Rights Reserved.